Celebrate Around the World With These December Global Holidays in 2025
The last month of the year is often many people’s favorite because of the many December global holidays. As the weather gets colder and the holiday season starts, the entire globe begins to celebrate with friends and family. For many people, December is associated with Christmas. In fact, 92% of Americans celebrate Christmas, according to AP NORC.
There are plenty of December global holidays other than Christmas. For example, 5% celebrate Hanukkah and 3% celebrate Kwanzaa in America. Though, these aren’t the only holidays celebrated during Decemer. In fact, communities around the world celebrate a variety of holidays during the month of December.
Some are religious holidays and others are cultural holidays. Some holidays are celebrated in different regions of the world and others are more globally recognized. So, how many holidays are in December around the world? We’ve made a list of some of the most popular December global holidays to have you celebrating all month long.
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- Religious Holidays in December
- December Holidays in USA
- December Holidays in Europe
- December Holidays in Asia
- The Top 20 December Global Holidays
Religious Holidays in December

Many of the December global holidays are religious holidays and observances. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Paganism all celebrate holidays during this month. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays around the world and is celebrated as a religious holiday by many Christians, while non-Christians also take part in the festivities.
Of course, there are holidays in December other than Christmas that also have a religious function. St. Nicholas Day, Immaculate Conception of Mary, Posadas Navidenas and St. Stephen’s Day are a few other religious holidays celebrated by Christians.
There are plenty of religious holidays in December celebrated by other groups as well. Bodhi Day is celebrated by Buddists, Hanukkah is celebrated by Jews and Yule is a Wiccan and Pagan holiday.
December Holidays in USA

Again, one of the most popular December global holidays in the USA is Christmas, which is celebrated by the vast majority of citizens. Christmas has religious roots, however, there are many ways to celebrate such as gift giving, charitable events, meeting Santa and watching the best Christmas movies for kids.
Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are the two next most popular December global holidays celebrated in the United States. Because the United States is such a melting pot of cultures, many groups celebrate cultural holidays during the month of December, even if they aren’t widespread.
There are also some fun holidays to celebrate during the month. What international day is on December 14? Gingerbread Decorating Day is a holiday meant to prepare for the upcoming holiday season by baking and decorating gingerbread cookies.
December Holidays in Europe

What is special about the month of December? It's the holiday season that brings people together. Celebrating with friends and family, engaging in traditions and the festive feeling is what makes the month’s holiday season so special.
Europe and the United States celebrate a similar list of holidays in December, including Christmas and Hannukah. However, there are some December global holidays that European countries celebrate that Americans don't. For example, the Twelve Days of Christmas and Saint Stephen’s Day are more popularly celebrated in Europe. Saint Nicholas’ Day and Boxing Day are also popular holidays.
There are also some holidays that are practiced in certain countries, like Krampusnacht or Krampus Night, which is a popular German holiday than other European countries. Also called the Feast of St. Nicholas, this day is celebrated in Germany on 6 December, but also other parts of Europe. On the night of 5 December, the naughty hairy devil named Krampus appears on the streets and visits homes and businesses.
December Holidays in Asia

Christians celebrate Christmas throughout the continent. However, it can be celebrated differently than in America. For example, Christmas is celebrated from December 16th to the first Sunday in January in the Philippines.
Shougatsu is celebrated from December 31st to January 2nd in Japan for the New Year Festival. There are December global holidays that are unique to certain Asian countries, such as Peace Day, which is celebrated in Cambodia on 29 December, Laos’ National Day is December 2 and Constitution Day is December 10th in Thailand.
The Top 20 December Global Holidays
1. Christmas

Christmas is the biggest of the December global holidays, celebrated by most people in the United States and worldwide — for religious or traditional reasons. This holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed primarily on December 25th. This holiday is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians around the world.
Many families have their own traditions surrounding Christmas. For example, those who observe this day as a religious holiday will go to mass or church services. While the more traditional participants will decorate Christmas trees, make Christmas cookies or watch Christmas movies.
Different countries and cultures have their own Christmas traditions as well. In Spain, for example, they have a big parade in many of the most populated towns to welcome the Three Kings. In Catalonia, they have a tradition of creating and hitting El Caga Tio, or The Pooping Log! In the same theme, the "caganer" is usually shown in the nativity scenes, a figurine making a poop!
Friends and families often host or attend Christmas parties. There are plenty of home and work Christmas party ideas to get inspired by to celebrate during the holiday season.
2. Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is one of the most popular December global holidays and is celebrated the night before Christmas on December 24th. It can either be considered a full or partial holiday. The holiday is meant to be celebrated as an anticipation of Christmas Day.
Christians celebrate Christmas Eve by attending mass or church services. Other traditions include preparing for a visit from Santa Claus by setting out milk and cookies. Some families may exchange a gift the night before, watch Christmas movies or attend a Christmas Eve party.
Many of the traditions associated with the holiday also make wonderful Christmas date ideas to celebrate the holiday with a loved one. Gift giving is the most obvious choice, but also riding a sled, ice skating or watching Christmas movies are great options.
3. Boxing Day
If you’re searching for list of holidays in December, you’ll often see Boxing Day as a common celebration. Boxing Day is celebrated after Christmas, on December 26th, in many countries around the world, particularly Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
As one of the most charitable December global holidays, it was originally a day to donate gifts, hence the name of "boxing" gifts. Now, it has become part of the Christmas festivities. Many people enjoy shopping for deals and enjoying sporting events on this holiday.
4. New Year’s Eve

The end of December also marks the end of the year. New Year’s Eve is another one of the most popular December global holidays. Many people celebrate by looking forward to the next year and coming up with New Years resolution ideas to better themselves in the upcoming months. It's a change to start fresh and take up new hobbies or to be more active or eat healthier.
The New Year is celebrated around the globe, often through televised events in each time zone. People gather in public places like Time Square in New York to watch the ball drop or the Bosingak Bell Pavilion on Jongno in Seoul, South Korea to hear the bell ring. Some people host or attend New Years Eve parties with friends or family at home or at a club or restaurant.
There are traditions from around the world to ring in the new year, with plenty of New Year’s Eve food ideas. Couples often kiss at the stroke of midnight. Some traditions like smashing pomegranates in Greece as the fruit is a symbol of fertility, abundance, good fortune and prosperity. Or eating 12 grapes (doce uvas) in Spain, one grape with each of the twelve clock bell strikes at midnight, to welcome good fortune, luck and prosperity in the new year.
5. Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice celebrates the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. From this day on, daylight will be longer and nightfall shorter. This festival has been celebrated by cultures from around the world, including pagans, Celts, Italians, Incas and Romans.
During this December global holiday, each culture marks the holiday with different traditions and rituals, such as brewing and drinking mulled cider, lighting lanterns, dancing and gift-giving.
This holiday is celebrated on December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, however, the event is reversed and the Summer solstice is celebrated — the longest daylight of the year.
6. Saint Nicholas Day

One of the December global holidays that's celebrated earlier in the month, it's also called the Feast of Saint Nicholas. It’s typically observed on December 6th in Western countries and December 19th in Eastern countries. It’s an especially large holiday in European countries, particularly Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
Celebrations start on the eve of the holiday. People exchange candies, chocolates and small gifts. Children will leave carrots and hay for Saint Nicholas’ horses with their shoes. The next morning, their shoes are filled with small gifts and goodies. The holiday is also celebrated with a parade during the day or a meal in the evening. People visit each other’s homes to spend time together during this special holiday.
7. Hanukkah

Hanukkah is another one of the most well-known religious holidays in December. The holiday commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians. It marks the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is one of the December global holidays that's celebrated by Jewish people all over the world.
It’s observed for eight days and eight nights each year. Hanukkah is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev in the Hebrew calendar. This makes the date change each year in the Gregorian calender, however, it’s usually celebrated in late December, though some years it may be in November.
The holiday also celebrates the miracle of the oil burning in a candle for eight days even though there was only enough oil for one day. To commemorate this, Jews light candles held in a menorah every night for eight nights. Traditions during this holiday include eating Hanukkah food like latkes and sufganiyot, playing dreidel, displaying Hanukkah decorations and exchanging Hanukkah gifts.
8. Yule
What festival is celebrated in the month of December? The Yuletide Festival is one of the most common of the season. Yule is one of the pagan December global holidays that commemorates the rebirth of the sun.
Yule is celebrated during the Winter Solstice, which is typically on December 21 or 22 and the festivities can continue for days or even weeks, depending on the Pagan and individual practices.
During this December global holiday, people gather for a feast, light a Yule log, craft evergreen wreathes and decorate alters with evergreen boughs and red candles. Some also perform rituals that include chanting and dancing.
9. Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is one of the U.S. December global holidays that celebrates African-American culture. It was first created and celebrated in 1966 and was inspired by festival traditions from West, East and Southeast Africa. Kwanzaa is celebrated by many African Americans and Black people in the United States. This festival is celebrated on December 26th to January 1st each year.
During this December global holiday, the home is adorned with Kwanzaa decorations and a candle on the Kinara is lit before discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. On December 31st, there is a feast which features Kwanzaa food inspired by the African diaspora. Other traditions include honoring ancestors, sharing stories and poetry, playing and dancing to music and exchanging gifts.
10. Festivus
Festivus is one of the most interesting of the December global holidays. It’s a secular holiday celebrated on December 23rd. It was created by “Seinfeld” writer Dan O’Keefe and made popular by Jerry Seinfeld’s father on the popular television show.
The holiday is meant to be an alternative to the commercialism and pressure of the traditional Christmas season. The humorous episode lays out the essential traditions of Festivus, such as setting up an aluminum pole, eating meatloaf on a bed of lettuce for dinner, airing your grievances, a Festivus miracle and a wrestling match.
Many fans of the show have adopted this holiday as part of their December traditions. So, if you’re looking for a secular celebration for a holiday work party or a gathering with friends, "Festivus for the rest of us" might be just that.
11. Saint Lucia’s Day

One of the Nordic December global holidays, it's celebrated in Sweden, Norway and areas of Finland that speak Swedish. This day marks the beginning of Christmas festivities and celebrates Saint Lucy of Syracuse, a virgin martyr. It’s celebrated on December 13th.
During this December global holiday, a family’s eldest daughter dresses in a white robe and wears an evergreen wreath. The daughter serves coffee and baked goods to the family and visitors throughout the day. Small gifts are also given to people throughout the community, such as co-workers, police officers and bus drivers.
12. Las Posadas
Las Posadas is a religious festival that's celebrated in many Latin American countries, such as El Salvado, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Many people of Latin American descent in the U.S. also celebrate this holiday.
This religious festival commemorates Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem before the birth of baby Jesus. It’s celebrated from December 16th to the 24th.
During this December global holiday, a small child dressed as an angel will lead a procession of people singing carols. The procession stops at selected homes and asks for lodging as Mary and Joseph did. They’re refused lodging but offered refreshments.
Mass is held after each procession. Children also often have the opportunity to break open piñatas to get candy and toys.
13. Omisoka

Ōmisoka is a traditional Japanese festival that commemorates the last day of the year. Though it was traditionally held at the end of the 12th lunar month, it’s now celebrated on December 31st because Japan switched to the Gregorian calendar.
Many Japanese people prepare for the new year during this December global holiday and celebrate by watching omisoka programs on television and eating buckwheat noodles called toshikoshi. They may also decorate their homes with kadomatsu, or pine, and send postcards for the new year.
14. Bodhi Day
Bodhi Day is a national holiday in December celebrated by Buddhists. As one of the top Buddhist December global holidays, it commemorates the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha.
On Bodhi Day, Buddhists will often partake in meditation, studying the Dharma and chanting sutras or Buddhist texts. Some will decorate trees with lights and candles and share a family feast. Another tradition is to engage in acts of kindness in accordance with Buddha’s teachings.
15. International Human Solidarity Day

Peace is often associated with the holiday season, so it makes sense that International Human Solidarity Day is celebrated during this time. This international holiday in December is celebrated on December 20th each year by members of the United Nations.
This is one of the December global holidays that promotes solidarity between humans around the world. The goal is to bring about debate and discussion and look for solutions to take action against world issues such as poverty, social justice and diversity.
16. Saturnalia
Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival that honors the god Saturn. This is one of the December global holidays that's celebrated in the middle of the month, from December 17th through December 23rd. This holiday was celebrated in the Roman Empire and is now celebrated by pagans around the world.
Many of the Saturnalia traditions are the bases for Christmas traditions. Saturnalia is celebrated by decorating with candles, evergreen plants and wreaths. Evenings host a feast that includes roasted pigs and hot mulled wine. People come together to sing songs, share stories, play games and exchange gifts. So if you’re looking for holiday party ideas, you can get inspired by Saturnalia.
17. King Bhumibol’s Birthday
King Bhumibol’s birthday is a national holiday in Thailand celebrated on December 5th. This is one of the most interesting December global holidays, as it commemorates the late king’s birthday and is also Thailand’s National Day and Thailand’s Father’s Day, as he was seen by many as the symbolic father of Thailand.
During the King Bhumibol’s Birthday holiday, buildings across the country display flags and portraits of the former King. The streets around the Grand Palace in Bangkok are decorated with marigolds. In the evening, the streets are closed so people can watch fireworks displays.
18. Immaculate Conception Day

Also known as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, this December global holiday is celebrated on December 8th each year. It's celebrated by many Roman Catholics around the world to commemorate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signifying that she was conceived without Original Sin.
Those who celebrate, recite the Hail Mary prayer to the Virgin Mary and attend Mass services. Many people will host a feast, which includes fried vegetables and salted codfish. Some churches or communities may put on parades, processions and fireworks for the festivities.
19. Saint Stephen’s Day
Saint Stephen’s Day commemorates the first Christian martyr. This is another one of the December global holidays that's celebrated on December 26th in Western Christianity, but also on December 27th in Eastern Christianity. It’s often observed as a second day of Christmas holidays. It’s also an official public holiday in much of Europe, including Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Ukrain and more.
Different countries have different traditions and celebrations for the holiday. However, many similarities include feasting and visiting with friends and family and going to a pub.
20. Krampusnacht or Krampus Night

Krampusnacht, also known as Krampus Night, is one of the most unique December global holidays that's celebrated in many European countries, especially in Germany, Austria, Bavaria and German-speaking parts of Switzerland. Krampusnacht is celebrated on December 5th.
Krampus is a half-goat, half-demon character in folklore. Celebrated the night before Saint Nicholas Day, Krampus is meant to visit and punish misbehaved children while Saint Nicholas visits the behaved children. Krampus often visits Christmas markets and parades. Adults say you can ward off the monster by placing a bundle of birch twigs at your front door.
When the holiday season approaches, people around the world get excited to celebrate a variety of December global holidays. While many people think of Christmas, Hanukkah and even New Year's Eve as the major December global holidays, there are many others that communities and religions around the world celebrate. All of the December global holidays show the interesting cultures and beauty of different celebrations around the world.
For even more fun holiday experience ideas, check out fun lessons happening on Classpop!