Mixologist Erika

Mixologist Erika

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 (1 review)

Mixologist Erika's passion for meticulously crafted drinks remains unwavering. She captivates aspiring bartenders worldwide through her engaging live-streamed cocktail sessions. Erika's diverse talents seamlessly meld poetry, painting, singing, and acting into a rich tapestry of interests. Whether she's sharing intriguing liquor insights or crafting inventive libations, Mixologist Erika always infuses her creations with a hearty dose of enthusiasm.

Online Classes

Outside Reviews for Mixologist Erika

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Silvia G.
24 Aug 2023
Erika’s online mixology class was very interesting and fun. Learning on how to recreate a well loved and known simple cocktail was great. Not only learning on how to prepare a drink but why it is prepared a certain way and the variety of techniques you can use and how certain ingredients are interchangeable made it a unique experience.